Sunday, 17 August 2008

Little Time For Crafting

These past few days I have been very busy preparing for my holiday so I haven't had time to do any crafting.
My "so long awaited holiday" is very close. I will be going back to my homeland, my beloved " Island in the Sun "... Malta. Three years have passed since my last visit and I am excited like a little girl to know I will be seeing my mum, sister, brother and families. I am counting the days to the departure.

Questi ultimi giorni ho avuto molto da fare preparando le vacanze e non ho avuto tempo da dedicare ai lavoretti. La tanto attesa vacanza è molto vicina. Tornerò alla mia terra natale, la mia amata " Island in the Sun"... Malta. Sono trascorsi tre anni dalla mia ultima visita e sono emozionata come una bambina al pensiero di rivedere mia mamma, mia sorella, fratello e famiglie. Sto contando i giorni alla partenza.


  1. Susan, I hope that your vacation is full of fun, family and relaxation! :) Most of all enjoy and make wonderful memories!!

  2. Ciao Sue, buone vacanze nella tua splendida terra! Divertiti e rilassati!
    Buon viaggio!

  3. And I am counting the days to seeing my little sister Sue again and her family!!! Can't wait : )

    Have a safe and happy flight, we'll be seeing you soon ~ YEAH!


  4. buone vacanze Sue....goditi il tuo meritato riposo e passa delle splendide giornate con i tuoi cari...e ritorna più carica di prima...

  5. Have a wonderful and safe trip!!! Try to relax some!

  6. Thanks to all.
    I really need a holiday.

    Yes, Doreen... here I am... coming soon.
    See you soon sis!

  7. Have a nice holiday in your homeland and do many photos to post in your blog.... a big kisses at the end of september in Cerrina will be again the fair perhaps we could meet....


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