Friday, 21 November 2008

Uses for the Santa Leaf Ornaments.

Just as I promised, here are the pictures of how I will use the Santa Leaf Ornies I made.
Besides the normal use of hanging them on the tree, I think I shall decorate my home and the Christmas table with them.

Come vi ho promesso nella post precedente ecco le foto di come utilizzerò queste foglie. Spero di decorare la casa e la tavola di Natale così...

For the place names I used the Santa Leaf with black card stock and Raffia.

Per il segna posto ho usato del cartoncino nero con della raffia.


  1. Those are so cute!! And I love the ideas that you have come up with for them!

  2. hi Sue...sorry i have not visited for a while...what a clever idea this is, the leaves are wonderful. Well done!



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