Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Clay Bear

This is what I made two days ago, I've tried my hand at modelling clay, this tiny bear is the size of a cigarette lighter just to give an idea. I must leave it to dry for a few days before colouring it.

Ho modellato questo orsetto di creta due giorni fa, è molto piccolo, è alto come un accendino per darvi un idea. Devo lasciarlo asciugare per qualche giorno prima di dipingerlo.


  1. Love your little bear. But any Bear is cute as I am a bear lover! I couldn't even make my bear look like a Bear!LOL Great crafting!
    Cathy in MT

  2. What a cute little bear sis! Lovely work, I remember when you used to make clay statuettes when we were young...those days it wasn't easy to find craft supplies and I remember you had asked Dad to stop by a place in Xemxija where you could collect some 'raw' clay which in our language we call tafal ~ remember that day? What a nice memory!
    Can't wait to see your little bear all painted and finished ~ Brava!


  3. He is so cute!! You did a great job!

  4. Very nice work Sue. I work with polymer clay whenever I can find time. Isn't it relaxing?


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