Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Today, January 6, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Ephiphany or as many call it the adoration of the Three Magi or Kings. In Italy we also celebrate the visit of the Befana , an old lady who visits children bringing goodies to those that have been good and coal to those that have been naughty. You can read her legend here:
This feast brings down the final curtain on all the Christmas festivities and as from tomorrow , we start to put away all the Christmas decorations.

Unfortunately this year a very sad news accompanies this day for me and for many friends that visit the "Craftsayings" forum, a dear member has unexpectedly passed away, her blog link is among my Friendly Blogs List.

Goodbye Donna Lee!

Oggi, 6 gennaio, la Chiesa cattolica celebra la festa della Epifania o come molti la chiamano l'adorazione dei Magi o Tre Re. In Italia celebriamo anche la visita della Befana, una vecchia signora che visita i bambini portando dolci e doni a quelli che sono stati buoni e carbone a quelli che sono stati cattivi.
Questa festa chiude il sipario su tutte le festività natalizie e, come da domani, si comincia a mettere via tutte le decorazioni natalizie.

Purtroppo quest'anno una notizia molto triste accompagna questa giornata per me e per tante amiche che visitano il forum "Craftsayings", una cara iscritta è improvvisamente venuta a mancare, il suo blog è nella lista dei miei Friendly Blogs.

Addio Donna Lee!

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  1. It was sad to hear of her passing. She did so many creative things with jewelry!

  2. So sad to hear about Donna Lee. I pray for peace in her family and am glad to know we have so many contributions from her. Blessings to you!

  3. I was so sad to read about Donna Lee's passing on our forum Sue. She has left us a special legacy of beautiful ideas and pictures of her crafts. May she rest in peace and may her family and friends find comfort and courage, prayers going up for them all.
    Thanks Sue for a lovely Epiphany post.

  4. I am sad to hear of our fellow blogger's passing. May her soul rest in Heaven and her blog stories live on in our hearts.


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