My husband loves to play around in the kitchen and I must admitt he makes some nice and appetizing dishes most of the time... this is what he came up with yesterday... it was delicious!
Cod Fillets with Grilled Vegetables.
Mio marito ama preparare piatti appetitosi e devo ammettere è anche bravo... questo è il piatto che ci ha presentato ieri ... era delizioso!
Filetti di merluzzo con verdure grigliate.
First he grilled the vegetables (onion, zucchini, peppers, three slices of eggplant and two potatoes ( previously boiled) and then he cut them all into cubes.
He floured the cod fillets and then fried them till golden and crisp.
In the end he sautèed the fillets and veggies in a pan adding a pinch of salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, basil and oregano .... mmmmmmm ... There was an inviting smell in the kitchen!
Just think ... it was so good that my daughter, who would never eat cod ,could not resist and tried it... and she said it was deicious... I couldn't believe my ears!!!!!
Cheers for Dear Hubby!!!
Prima ha grigliato le verdure ( cipolla, zucchino, peperone, tre fette di melenzana e due patate (precedentemente bollite) e poi ha tagliato tutto a cubetti.
Ha passato il merluzzo nella farina e poi lo ha fritto finche dorato e croccante .
In fine ha fatto saltare tutto insieme in una padella con l'aggiunta di un pizzico di sale, pepe, rosmarino, timo, basilico e origano.... mmmmmmm... c'era un profumino in cucina!!! Pensate un po... mia figlia ,che non mangia merluzzo, non ha resistito alla tentazione e ha voluto assaggiarlo .... ha detto che era delizioso, non credevo alle mie orecchie!!!!!
Complimenti al mio maritino!!!
Slurp... mi viene l'acquolina in bocca solo a vedere la foto! Immagino la bontà! E bravo il maritino!!! però sei proprio fortunata cara Sue!
Looks good and I don't even like fish! I'll have to pass this along to my grandmother. TFS!!
ReplyDeleteIt really looks appetizing...Yummy. So lucky to have a husband who likes to cook too.
ReplyDeleteMy friend and I were recently talking about the prevalence of technology in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further advances, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about all the time.
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