Sunday, 11 July 2010

Laughing Quadruplets

It's too hot for my liking and I don't feel like doing much when the temperatures reach 35° C so I thought I'd just surf around on the web and this is what I found ... I think it is the cutest video I've seen in a long time. What do you think?

Fa troppo caldo e non ho voglia di fare molto allora pensavo di fare un giro sul web . Ecco cosa ho trovato ...questo video è la cosa piu carina che ho visto fin ora. Cosa pensate?

I loved it ... but I wouldn't want to be in that mum's place when they start crying all together.
Mi è piacuto molto... ma non vorrei essere al posto di quella mamma quando piangono tutti insieme.


  1. This is just too precious! TFS! Blessings to you!

  2. I had seen this before but it always makes me smile...really cute! Yes I guess you're right to think about how they cope when they're crying all at once! Or hungry all at once...or needing a change all at the same time... : ))

  3. I've seen that video. It sure is cute. They are adorable.

  4. Hi Sue! I saw this video on America's Funniest Video tv programme...they are so lovely aren't they..they did win best video and got 100,000 dollars andin one of the last episodes they came back to the studio and the kids are now about 4 years old and still look so cute.



I'd love to know what you think, thanks for choosing to comment.