Friday, 6 August 2010


OOPS!... I made a big mistake... in my previous post I said I had never won anything before during my blogging years but I suddenly remembered that I did win a cute kitchen blackboard way back in 2008 from Maura of Il Mio Mondo Country.

I hope Maura will forgive me . How could I have forgotten about this ? The board is still hanging in my kitchen . My memory is not what it used to be ... LOL!

OOPS! Ho fatto un grosso errore... nel post precedente ho scritto che non avevo vinto mai niente in questi anni di blog ma all' improvviso mi sono ricordata che avevo vinto una graziosa lavagnetta per la cucina nel 2008 da Maura del blog Il Mio Mondo Country.

Spero che Maura mi perdonerà . Come ho potuto dimenticarlo? La lavagna è ancora appesa nella mia cucina. La mia memoria non è più quella di una volta ... hahaha!


  1. I have to agree with you Sue My memory is not what it use to be either. Have a blessed weekend♥

  2. Welcome to the forgetful friends world heehee, don't worry Sue, this is not as bad as going about the house trying to remember what it was you were supposed to be doing in the first place LOL!


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