Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Is it Junk or Treasure?

To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again , jiggety jig.
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety jog.
To market , to market, to buy a plum bun,
Home again, home again, market is done.

The market described in the nursery rhyme above was probably a Farmers' market or an Agricultural market, and since it is a very old nursery rhyme ( I discovered it was first published in the year 1611) I chose it to introduce my new post about Flea Markets and Antique Markets.

I love visiting these markets, there is always so much to see and one can find almost anything on the stalls... paintings, pottery, jewelry, books, musical instruments, furniture, old tools and vintage toys. Finding something unusual or unique at these markets will surely give the collector a certain sense of accomplishment.

In the town where I live a Flea Market is organised every 4th Sunday of the month. These pictures show only a little part of the wares on sale at the last market held.
As the saying goes “ One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”...so very true!

Il mercato descritto nella filastrocca, sopra, era probabilmente un mercato agricolo e siccome è una filastrocca molto vecchia ( ho scoperto che la prima stampa risale all'anno 1611) l'ho scelta per introdurre questo post sui mercatini dell'antiquariato.

Amo girare per questi mercatini, c'è sempre tanto da vedere e si trova di tutto sui banchi... quadri, utensili, gioielli, libri, strumenti musicali, mobili, vecchi attrezzi e giocattoli vintage. Un collezionista si sente realizzato quando trova qualcosa rara e unica girando per questi mercatini.

Nella città dove vivo si tiene un mercatino dell'antiquariato ogni quarta domenica del mese. Queste foto dimostrano una piccola parte degli oggetti in vendita durante l'ultimo mercatino.


  1. I am a flea market addict :)...I want to go to yours...I saw a bazillion things I want in the photos!

  2. A parte la bambola strabica... mi piace tutto! ;)

  3. I love to go to flea markets! You can find so many good deals there!

  4. I love flea markets. We came across one when we were in Lucca last year. There were so many things I could have bought that I would have needed to ship a huge box home.

  5. “ One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”...I guess it's really true. Is it just me who doesn't like old stuff? That doll gives me the creeps...

  6. I hope you go there often sis, I would go with you if I lived there! I love to browse through vintage stuff, not necessarily to buy them although I do have a few antique bits. You know when I looked at the pics, I wondered about who owned the things and how they lived!


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