Friday, 24 February 2012

The Brenda Photo Challenge ---- Some Of My Favorite Things

I almost forgot I had signed up for Brenda's photo challenge, I am sorry but I am a little late in posting the pictures of " My Favorite Things", this is the subject chosen for this month's challenge. I have many favorite things but it was impossible for me to snap new pictures lately owing to the recent bereavment of my mother-in-law, so I had to look up in my archives for some old pictures.
Among my favorite things are:
The lake's calm waters,
Blueberry muffins
and last but not least, sunset skies.

Avevo quasi dimenticato che mi ero iscritta alla " Brenda Photo Challenge", mi dispiace ma sono un po 'in ritardo nel postare le immagini di "My Favorite Things"( Le cose che preferisco), questo è il tema scelto per la sfida di questo mese. Ho molte cose che preferisco, ma è stato impossibile per me scattare foto nuove in questi giorni a causa  della recente scomparsa di mia suocera, così ho dovuto cercare nei miei archivi tra alcune vecchie foto. 
Tra le mie cose preferite ci sono: 
Le acque calme del lago
I muffins ai mirtilli e, ultimo ma non meno importante
il cielo al tramonto.


  1. bel post, come stai? spero bene...

  2. WOW Sue, it's no wonder we're sisters, those are some of my favourite things too : )
    Lovely photos!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  3. le foto dei tuoi tramonti sono sempre spetacolari.Brava Sue!

  4. You are right on time!! Actually, you have until Midnight tomorrow. Your photos are awesome! Thank you so much for joining us in the challenges!

  5. So sorry about your MIL!
    Lovely photos!

  6. I love all of those too! Wouldn't it be great to sit in that boat, eat muffins, and watch the sunsets?!

  7. Love those sky pictures! Beautiful skies are one of my favorite things, too!

  8. Very nice I really like that last one.I was in your area a few years back and really enjoyed it.

  9. So sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. I certainly understand.

    Your photos are beautiful! I'm wishing I had one of those muffins. The last one of the sunset sky, with the bird soaring, is breathtaking!

  10. To Brenda,
    I confused the day, I thought the closing day was the 24th Feb.

    To Donna,
    Yes that would be very nice!

    To Jeanette, Out on the Praire, and Nita Jo,
    I love taking pictures of skies and sunsets, the last picture in this post has a bird in flight , can you believe that I did not see it when I snapped the picture?

    Thanks to all for your comments.


    Grazie a tutti per i commenti.

  11. These are great!! I love the first two. Those muffins look good! Have a nice day!!

  12. Mi era sfuggito questo post Sue...un abbraccio...

  13. Susan, these are excellent shots of your favorite things. Thank you for sharing. The Blueberry muffins look very scrumptious.


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