Saturday, 11 February 2012

Robin - Pettirosso

 I was almost incredulous when I found him in our backyard/garden.
I hope he will survive the freezing temperatures we are having!

Ero quasi incredula quando l'ho trovato nel giardino.
Spero che soppraviverà alle temperature gelide di questi giorni!


  1. bello, a me piacciono molto gli uccellini. Da noi fin quando si vedono i pettirossi si sa che continua il freddo, oggi ho visto delle tortore morte per il gran freddo. Povere bestioline, ciao

  2. Che tenero. Speriamo non si raffreddi troppo.

  3. Oh what a precious picture Sue, I too hope he survives the cold. I was thinking you could hand a bird feeder in your balcony but that would not be such a good idea, I guess not with Toddy eh!

  4. I just LOVE this photo. Thank you for sharing it. It was minus 3.5 degrees here is Sussex when I went to work this morning. Very cold but not much snow.....yet. Keep warm. Marion x


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