Sunday, 8 May 2011

Mother's Day -- Festa Della Mamma

Today is Mother's Day in Italy and in many other parts of the world... this time it's different for me because I cannot celebrate it with my mum anymore... I am only so very glad that last year I was able to go to Malta and celebrate with her, both her Birthday and Mother's Day.  Her memory lives on in my heart.
I wish all my followers, whether Mothers already or Mothers-to-be, as well as their mums ;

A Very Happy Mother's Day!

Oggi è la Festa Della Mamma... questa volta sarà diverso per me perchè non potrò più festeggiare con mia mamma... sono soltanto contenta che l'anno scorso in questo periodo ero a Malta e sono riuscita a celebrare insieme a lei, ambedue il suo compleanno e la festa della mamma. La sua memoria è sempre viva nel mio cuore.
Auguro a tutti i miei lettori, sia le mamme e le future mamme, ed anche alle loro mamme;

Una Bellissima Giornata!


  1. Happy Mother's Day dear Sue, yes it is definitely not the same to celebrate without Mum but let's focus on the lovely memories we made with her and keep her memory alive that way. As we do this we celebrate her life : )
    Have a nice day,
    Big Hugs,

  2. Yes, life goes on, but there is always a little hole in your heart when mom is no longer here. Nothing, though, can take away cherished memories.

    Happy Mother's Day.


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