Another Award
To my great pleasure, yesterday, I received another award. This is the 7th one since I started this blog, it has been passed over to me from Maura at Il Mio Mondo Country.
This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.
Thank you Maura!
The rules to follow are :
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.
Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I would like to thank my dear blog friend Maura for this important award; I am honoured that she has chosen my blog among the 15 blogs to be awarded.
Now it is my turn to pass it on to other 15 blogs... this is not an easy task as all the blogs I visit merit this acknowledgment but I have to go by the rules and choose only 15.
Here are the 15 blogs I have chosen, some are well known to me but others I have only recently discovered.
Tonyland at : http://tony-tonyland-tony.blogspot.com/
Blond Damage at : http://blonddamage.blogspot.com/
Southshoreartist at : http://southshoreartistblog.blogspot.com/
Debzdoingz at : http://www.debzdoingz.blogspot.com/
HDMac's Crafty Blog at : http://hdmcfar.blogspot.com/
Lovestodream at : http://lovestodream.blogspot.com/
Crafty This and That at : http://craftythisandthat.blogspot.com/
Unvololibero at: http://comealilibere.blogspot.com/
Donna Lee's Blog at : http://donnalees.blogspot.com/
Happybird's Crafting Haven at : http://www.happybirdscraftinghaven.com/
L'Angolo di Kiky at : http://langolodikiky.blogspot.com/
Il Blog di Tutto ad Arte at : http://www.tuttoadarte.it/
Country Vic at : http://country-vic.blogspot.com/
Shiakka...sono io at : http://shiakka.blogspot.com/
Tra Sassi e Paste at : http://trasassiepaste.blogspot.com/

Ieri ho ricevuto un altro premio, questo è il settimo da quando ho iniziato questo blog. Sono stata premiata da Maura di Il Mio Mondo Country.
Questo premio riconosce i valori che ogni blogger dimostra ogni giorno nel suo impegno a trasmettere valori culturali, etici, letterari e personali.Grazie Maura !
1)Accettare e visualizzare l'immagine del premio e far rispettare le regole;
2)Linkare il blog che ti ha premiato;
3)Premiare altri 15 blog e avvisarli del premio.
Vorrei ringraziare la carissima Maura per questo premio importante... mi sento onorata che lei ha scelto il mio blog da premiare tra i 15 che ha scelto.
Adesso tocca a me scegliere altri 15 blogs da premiare... non è facile scegliere perchè tutti i blogs che visito meritano questo premio.
Ecco i 15 che ho scelto, alcuni sono tra quelli che conosco bene ma altri sono tra i blog che ho scoperto da pochi giorni.
Vedi lista dei blogs con i blog links sopra.
Complimenti a tutti !

Congrats!! Well deserved!!
Thank you so mush for this wonderful award i'll pass it out
hugs my dear friend(your blog awsome )
hugs ginger(lovestodream)
thank you so much for the award.
Ciao Sue, mi chiamo Lorena e sono la sorella di Maura... complimenti per il blog... se passi da me, ho un regalo per te.. ciao ciao Lory
THANK YOU, Sue for the award! :) I will post soon. That was so thoughtful of you! :)
Grazie Sue per il graditissimo premio, sei molto gentile.
Adesso vado a mettere il tuo blog tra i miei links.
Congratulations on your award and thank you for sending one to me!!! I feel honored that you thought of me. I will accept my try to get my award posted on my blog sometime today or tomorrow. I have been getting things in order so I can go back to school the next semester and have been busy with that. Thank you so much! (By the way, what part of Italy do you live? I would love to look it up on the map.)
Sue, Thank you so much for thinking of me, and congratulations to you. You deserve this award!
Ciao Sue e ti ringrazio tantissimo per questo premio che accetto molto volentieri e che di sicuro metterò nel mio blog, ti chiedo solo di avere la pazienza che io trovi un attimino per dedicarci tutto il tempo che merita. Ti ringrazio di nuovo, sono molto lusingata.
A presto
I am so sorry I did not post about this wonderful award you gave to me.. Some how it got lost in the mix. I am so very sorry.. I just wanted to thank you for being so sweet to think of me :)
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