"A troop of porcupines is milling about on a cold winter's day. In order to keep from freezing, the animals move closer together. Just as they are close enough to huddle, however, they start to poke each other with their quills. In order to stop the pain, they spread out , lose the advantage of commingling, and again begin to shiver. This sends them back in search of one and other, and the cycle repeats as they struggle to find a comfortable distance between entanglement and freezing."
A. Schopenhauer
When I read this fable I couldn't help but think how our human relationship is very much similar to this behaviour. There is still alot to learn from fables and especially from animals' behaviour ... do you agree?
Una compagnia di porcospini, in una fredda giornata d'inverno, si strinse vicina, per proteggersi, col calore reciproco, dal rimanere assiderati. Ben presto, però, sentirono le spine reciproche; il dolore li costrinse ad allontanarsi di nuovo l'uno dall'altro. Quando poi il bisogno di scaldarsi li portò di nuovo a stare insieme, si ripetè quell'altro malanno; di modo che venivano sballottati avanti e indietro tra due mali, finché non ebbero trovato una moderata distanza reciproca, che rappresentava per loro la migliore posizione.
A. Schopenhauer
Quando ho letto questa storia non potevo che pensare quanto simile questo comportamento è alle relazioni umane. C'è sempre da imparare dalle fiabe e specialmente dai comportamenti degli animali... siete d'accordo?
Hi Sue!
I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog posts! I was going over your blog and really like some of the beautiful things you have created. I thought your Four Seasons box was lovely. Thank you again for being soooo kind!
Sue, could you drop by my blog and pick up a reward that I have for you? You have been so kind in leaving comments on my blog and I wanted to share with you!
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