The Birthday Game Solution is...

Well done to Laura (Idea) and Ann (CM2).
Since they're the only ones I have decided to award both of them.
Laura and Ann please leave me your home address , you can contact me through my email in my profile .
I would like to thank all my blog friends who have joined in this game and those who would have liked to join but already knew my birthday and those who just left a comment.
Thanks for the birthday wishes too.
Vorrei annunciare che soltanto due amiche hanno indovinato il mio compleanno... 19 Febbraio.
Complimenti a Laura (Idea) ed Ann(CM2).
Visto che sono solo in due ho deciso di premiarle tutte due.
Laura ed Ann vi prego di lasciarmi il vostro indirizzo... potete contattarmi usando la mia email nel mio profilo.
Vorrei ringraziare tutte le amiche che hanno partecipato a questo gioco anche a quelle che avrebbero voluto giocare ma conoscevano già il mio compleanno e anche a quelle che hanno soltanto lasciato un commento.
Grazie anche per gli auguri.
Congrats to the winners!!
Do you have any big plans for your birthday? As for me, I just like the idea of not cooking on my birthday!
I think I'll have to cook even on my I've no plans for that day, I'd love some nice surprise... who knows?????
Well done to the winners!
Happy Birthday Sue and I hope you will have a lovely day...Hope my mail arrives on your special day!
Hugs & Kisses,
Doreen : )
I can't believe! I'm one of the two winner! Yeaaahhh
Ditto, Laura! I've entered so many blog contests and don't come close! LOL
Happy Birthday Sue and once again, thank you! Appreciatively, ^o^ Ann
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