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Friday, 13 March 2009

Clever Girls!

I don't want to brag but I really think I've been clever this time.
You might think ... WHY?
The picture above is what I found inside the box that contained my new computer table... no leaflet with instructions but just the diagram above.
So when I started to pull out the pieces I thought my husband would have helped me assemble the thing but... no way.
My daughter Sara and I put the pieces together to my dear hubby's surprise.
And they say that women are the gentle( weaker) sex!

Non voglio vantarmi ma penso di essere stata brava questa volta.
Chiederete ...PERCHE?
L'immagine sopra è tutto quello che ho trovato nell' imballaggio del mio nuovo tavolo per computer... nessun foglio con istruzioni ma solo il foglio che vedete sopra.
Quando ho iniziato a tirare fuori i vari pezzi pensavo che mio marito mi avrebbe aiutato a montarlo ... ma niente da fare.
Io e mia figlia Sara da soli abbiamo montato il tavolo ... mio marito é rimasto sorpreso.
E dicono che noi donne siamo il sesso debole!

Here's the assembled table.
Ecco il tavolo montato.


Anonymous said...

You did much beter than I would. I need both written instructions plus diagrams to accomplish thigns like this. Good job! Nice computer table as well! Cathy

vanda said...

non avevo dubbi sulla riuscita delle donne anche per montare un tavolino

baci vanda

Sue said...

Hi Cathy it's so nice to see you leaving a comment on my blog.

Sue said...

Eh, si, Vanda!
Viva le donne!

Countrygal said...

...ottimo lavoro...heehee...;-)))


Amber said...

You girls did a great job!!! I hate directions for stuff like that!! I think you have to almost have a degree in engineering to put something together!

There was a TV commercial here awhile back about a TV table. I cannot remember what the ad was about, though. It was this big elabrate table with tons of stuff on it. The lady walks in the door and sets her keys on the table. All five glass shelves come crashing down. The whole idea was their product had "easy to follow directions" unlike some things.

Your post just reminded me of the easy to follow directions from the ad.

Doreen said...

Hey! Well done Sue and Sara, you did such a FANTASTIC JOB on this...those instructions are always so hard to follow! BRAVISSIME!
Doreen : )


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