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Saturday, 21 March 2009


Here's my brand new header and blog background.
I've been playing around with my graphic programm and came up with a new header so I decided to change my blog's background too.
We all need a change every now and then!

Ecco la nuova veste del mio blog.
Mi sono immersa nel mio programma per grafica e ho realizato questo nuovo header... ho anche deciso di cambiare lo sfondo al blog.
Un cambiamento ogni tanto fa bene!


Doreen said...

Hi Susie,
What a lovely change, I loved your other one very much too. This is very fresh and very You!!! Well done!
Smiles and Hugs,

Franca said...

bello colorato...solare...
bello, bello

poesiaestiva said...

Che bella la nuova veste del tuo blog! ma come hai fatto a cambiare lo sfondo? io non riesco a capire i passaggi :(

Cinzia said...

Ma sai che è proprio bello?

Lynn said...

I did not see your original header, but this one is great. I've decided our blogs are a little like our homes, we have to rearrange and update every so often. I've changed my background and etc. at least 3 times since I start it in November 2008. :D

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I look forward to following yours.

Amber said...

I really love it!! I wish I could find a background and header I really loved! I am just going to have to sit down and make one myself. I can do basic computer code and a friend of ours used to do that for a living.

AS for the records, the oven is safe after use. They don't melt or drip into the oven. The records just become very soft so you can bend them. As for smell, there is a slight smell. I only smelled it because I was right next to the oven, the smell didn't go through the house. It was nothing. I didn't turn on my fan or anything. The temp on the oven is very low and the records are only in for a very short time.

If you make them, you will have to post the picture and let me know how they turned out!

Nicoletta (Kiky) said...

Bello bello... cambiare fa bene!
Un abbraccio

Joy said...

I like your new look and especially the very crafty header. Good work!

Sue said...

Thank you dear friends for your kind comments!

Grazie carissime amiche per i vostri commenti!


Un abbraccio,

Fuffy said...

Bello il nuovo look, mi piace.
Grazie cara Sue di essere passata per farmi gli auguri!


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