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Sunday, 14 June 2009

A stitch at a time!

As the saying goes, " slowly does it" ... that's exactly how my stitchery is proceeding these days....a stitch at a time . Here's my work in progress which I hope to finish shortly.

Il mio stitchery procede esattamente come dicono, "piano piano"... un punto alla volta. Ecco a cosa sto lavorando , spero di finirlo presto.


BlueRose said...

It look like cross stiching I use to do it but it is hard on the eyes now. It does take forever OK maybe not forever but it seems like it. I love love the work when it is done though....Very nice. ~~♥~

Aliza said...

molto carino, il tempo non conta se è bello e ti da piacere farlo.
Ciao A

HDMac said...

It looks lovely, Sue! :)

Amber said...

Great job! Very nice!!

Maura said...

piano piano...bello,bello!!!brava,e il micio?un amore,bacioni.Mau

Doreen said...

Very, very nice indeed, you are and always have been great with needle and thread! Brave Sue!

Tammi said...

You do such beautiful work!


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