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Sunday, 29 November 2009

Walnut Shells Floating Candles

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This is something that I have always wanted to try and I've finally got down to it. I had seen these floating candles at a friend's house some years ago and I think they make a very attractive table centre decoration. They are very easy to make.
Here's a little tutorial I made up.

Ho sempre desiderato fare queste candeline galleggianti e finalmente ci sono riuscita. La prima volta che ho visto queste candeline era a casa di una amica. Penso che sono molto carine e fanno un bel centro tavola.
Sono facili da fare.
Ecco qui come farle.

Walnut Shells Floating Candles
Candele di noci galleggianti

(A) You will need: (A) L'occorrente
Red Candles Candele rosse
Walnuts Delle noci
Nut cracker Uno schiaccianoci
Glass jar Un vasetto di vetro
Small saucepan Un pentolino.

Click on pictures to enlarge
Per ingrandire cliccate sulle foto

(B) Crack up and empty the walnuts taking care not to break the shells.
(B) Aprite e svuotate i gusci facendo cura di non romperli

(C) Break up the red candles in small pieces, save the wick.
(C) Spezzate le candele in pezzi piccoli, conservare lo stoppino

(D) Cut the wick in pieces of 2 or 3 cms cms long
(D) Tagliate lo stoppino in pezzetti di 2 o 3 cm in lunghezza

(E) Fill a saucepan with water, put the jar with the broken candles in the water
and bring to boil till the candle wax is all melted.
(E) Fate scogliere i pezzi di candela in un vasetto di vetro a bagnomaria.

(F) Pour the melted wax into the empty walnut shells (take care not to burn your fingers in this process ) and before the wax gets solid insert the wicks in the centre of each.
(F) Versate la cera nei gusci di noce ( fate attenzione a non scottarvi le dita in questa fase) e prima che la cera si solidifica inserite gli stoppini al centro delle candeline.

(G) When the candles are solid and cool put them in a Crystal glass bowl filled with water and light them up.
(G) Quando sono solidi e freddi metteteli in un contenitore di vetro (cristallo) pieno d'acqua e accendeteli.

(H) They will float and give a nice glow in the dark.
(H) Galleggieranno e faranno un bel effetto .

I hope you'll enjoy making them just as much as I did.
Spero che vi divertirete a farli proprio come mi sono divertita io.


Amber said...

Those are really neat and so festive! Nice tutorial! Good job!

Doreen said...

I love this idea Sue, yes I think you had shared this with me some time ago, how lovely to see you have made them. I think your tutorial is great, have to try making some...the only problem at the moment is time, I will let you know if I make them, thanks sis : )

Daisy Soap Girl said...

Very good idea. You're my own personal Martha Stewart, Sue.

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