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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Christmas Sucker Cards.

I have often received requests for particular designs or templates for various special occasions but it is the first time that I got a request for a Sucker (lollipop) card. This request came from a Primary school teacher who wanted them for the up coming, school Christmas party , to give to her little students. I made two different ones for her to choose from.
I am posting them here too , maybe you'd like to use them yourselves for your children .
In the zipped file you will find three ( A4 size) sheets with 4 cards on each sheet, one sheet has 4 Snowman cards, one has 4 Santa's helper cards and the third one has two of each model.
Please click here to download.
I suggest you use card stock for these.

Ho ricevuto spesso richieste per disegni o modelli particolari per varie occasioni speciali ma è la prima volta che mi viene richiesta una scheda/ supporto per lecca lecca (quelli di tipo caramella piatta). Questa richiesta mi è stata fatta da una insegnante di scuola elementare per regalare ai suoi piccoli alunni. Ho fatto due diverse schede, così potrà scegliere.
Le pubblico anche qui a chi puo interessare.
Nel file, in formato zip, troverete tre fogli formato A4 con 4 schede per ciascun foglio, in uno ci sono 4 con il pupazzo di neve, in un altro ci sono 4 schede con l'elfo e nel terzo ci sono due di ogni modello.
Per scaricare cliccate qui.

Vi suggerisco di usare una carta da 110 g/m o più per queste schede, per un supporto resistente.


Doreen said...

Hi Sue, Although I do not have anyone I can give these to, I do admire your lovely work and ideas and appreciate your sharing them. I have just printed your Christmas parcel tags which I will laminate, that way they can be re-used and I will surely tell everyone who made them : )
By the way I love your falling snowflakes.


HDMac said...

Thanks, Sue. These are great ... and congratulations on being advertised on the DigiFree! I will have to check it out!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list

Leola - Southshoreartist said...

What a wonderful idea Sue :)

Amber said...

Very cute!! I think Jaiden's class with like these!! TFS!

CM2 said...

Hi Sweet Sue,
Just hopped on to tell you that the sucker cards turned out "lollipop-alicious"! Thanks for a yummy share! :-) CM2

Sue said...

Thanks for your kind comments.

@Doreen, I'm happy to know you'll be using the gift embellishment tags, I like the idea of laminating them.

How nice to find your comment, your mail re: the card size, has been very helpful even if I made these a tiny bit larger.Thanks for your help!


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