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Saturday, 9 October 2010

Weekend Shadows

Sorry if I am late with my weekly shadow picture but I nearly didn't realise the weekend was here already. This picture was taken in an alley in Malta. Enjoy your weekend!

Scusatemi se sono in ritardo con la mia foto settimanale ma quasi non mi sono accorta che il weekend era già qui. Questa foto è stata scattata in un vicoletto a Malta.  Buon weekend!


Cinzia said...

La trovo molto strana questa foto, ma anche molto particolare.
Buon w.e.

nicoletta said...

molto suggestiva
ciao ciao

Aliza said...

che bello questo hobby, ciao e buon finesettimana

Vicki said...

Oh, I really like this! Reminds me of places I saw in Naples! Beautiful! Blessings to you!

Leola - Southshoreartist said...

Oh I nearly missed this....Love it as always Sue. Love your perspective.

Loree said...

Oh wow - that is a great photo.


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