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Friday, 26 November 2010

Weekend Shadows

I am still busy sewing Christmas ornies to give away to friends so I haven't had the time to go out to snap any shadow pictures. As you can see I had to come up with something and here's the shadow I created for this weekend shadow picture. I took advantage of the faint sunlight in my kitchen to snap the shadow cast by a lace doily.
A happy weekend to all!

Sono ancora immersa nella confezione degli addobbi per Natale da regalare ad alcune amiche e perciò non ho avuto il tempo di uscire in cerca di ombre per la mia solita foto. Come vedete ho rimediato creando un' ombra con un centrino di pizzo. Mi sono approfittata della poca luce solare nella mia cucina.
Felice weekend a tutti!


Lynn said...

Love the shadows.

I wasn't sure what Christmas "ornies" were so searched back through your site. They are very clever and look fairly easy to do. I'm thinking of planning a like project for next Christmas by looking for suitable materials throughout the year.

Thanks for sharing the idea.

Sue said...

Lynn, sorry about the word, it's short for ornaments... the members on the Craftsayings forum use this short form when they talk about ornaments and it comes natural to me to use it.

Suki said...

What a lovely shadow picture...Good luck with your christmas ornaments...I wish I had some free time on my hands to do some christmas crafts...maybe next year...wishful thinking...

Loree said...

Pretty shadows and the doily looks very nice too. A very imaginative shadow picture.

Cinzia said...

Bello l'effetto, a volte nn ci accorgiamo di quanto belle possano essere le ombre!

Doreen said...

Hi Sue,
You have given shadows a new dimension in my dictionary sis : )
Well done for another innovative idea for creating this weekend's shadow.
Your sister,

Leola - Southshoreartist said...

I love your shadow photos and look forward to them every week :)


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