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Friday, 25 February 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge

I 've often been tempted to take part in one of the many photo challenges on the net but never really got down to it until now. I found this interesting photo challenge " The Brenda Photo Challenge"  thanks to Lynn's blog :  Musings from the Texas Hill Country.  
The theme for this challenge is Red .
Go here for more Brenda's Photo Challenge entries.
Since I'm posting these pictures I won't be posting a shadow picture for this weekend but I still wish you all
"Happy Weekend !"
Below you can see my red themed photographs.

Sono stata spesso tentata di partecipare in una delle tante sfide fotografiche sulla rete ma mi è sempre mancato il coraggio  ma adesso mi sono decisa a provare.  Ho trovato questa  interessante sfida " The Brenda Photo Challenge" grazie al blog di Lynn : Musings from the Texas Hill Country.
Il tema per questa sfida è il colore Rosso.
Per leggere di piu e vedere i blog che partecipano cliccate qui.
Non ho la solita foto ombra per questo weekend visto che sto pubblicando queste altre foto ma vi auguro lo stesso 
" Buon finesettimana! "
Queste sono le mie foto" rosse"  per la sfida.


nicoletta said...

Molto belle, sei molto brava e hai molto gusto
ciao ciao

Lynn said...

These are great. I cannot decide which I like best for each one is very unique.

Donna said...

These are Beautiful! Nice shots!!
Happy weekend!!

Cinzia said...

Nella prima foto, le ombre ci vedono appena appena, ma son prima e quella del colore che fuori esce son le mie preferite.
Buon fine settimana,

Loree said...

Such pretty photos. I love the pops of red.

Dave Cawkwell said...

The paint squirting out is brilliant, what a shot! Cleverly done with the beads too and a very cute doll.

Donna said...

Welcome to the challenge! I especially like that red heart!

Brenda said...

Great shots for the challenge!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, I had fun looking at your blog also. I may have to try making the booties, I have a simple pattern i used to make a moccassin with .

The Whity Wife said...

love the red tempera!

Ann said...

nice selection of red photos. How creative with the paint

GypsyFarmGirl said...

Welcome to the photo challenge! You have some great red pics! Thanks for visiting my page. I believe my mother-in-law called the cactus a "barrel cactus", but I'm not for sure.

Jeanette said...

Great red pictures! I love the paint one and the clown one, too!

Jeanne said...

Welcome to the challenge Sue! So glad you decided to join in, you did a great job with red! I love that heart as well.

MarissaDW said...

Susan. Bon Giorno! I love your red shots....especially the beads in heart shape; paint oozing out of it's tube and the doll. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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