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Monday, 21 February 2011

Drawing Tablet

 I've always wanted one of these and finally I am now the owner of a DigiPro 5"x4" drawing tablet. I spent part of my afternoon installing the driver and reading the instructions but the best part was using it with my graphic program. My hand is still new to the graphic pen but I hope I will get used to it quickly and start making my own graphic drawings. Here are my first doodles.

Ho sempre desiderato una di queste e finalmente possiedo una tablet DigPro 5"x4". Ho trascorso  una parte del pomeriggio installando il driver e leggendo l'istruzione per l'uso ma la parte più divertente era usandola con il mio programma grafico. La mia mano deve ancora abbituarsi alla penna ma spero che mi abbituerò presto per iniziare a disegnare . Ecco qualche schizzo.


Loree said...

I did not even know something like that existed. Cute doodles :)

Doreen said...

Great job sis, I'm glad you're getting the hang of it...maybe I should add it to my B'day or Christmas List ; )


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