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Saturday 19 March 2011

Before and After ---- The Brenda Photo Challenge

It is Challenge time again, yes it is time for Brenda's Photo Challenge once again.  This time the partecipants are asked to use textures, layers or filters to change their photographs , well they must show what they can do to a photo... a before and after theme. This was such fun that I just couldn't modify only one picture so here are three from the many I played with, this week.
I admit I am still a novice in this kind of thing so here goes.
Please also visit the blogs that are partecipating to see their beautiful photographic work , thank you!

E' di nuovo tempo di sfida,  è tempo per la Brenda's Photo Challenge. Questa volta i partecipanti devono usare dei filtri, trame o strati per cambiare la foto, insomma devono dimostrare cosa possono fare ad una foto... il tema di oggi è Prima e Dopo. Mi sono divertita talmente tanto a modificare foto che non riuscivo a fermarmi e ecco tre delle tante foto che ho modificato questa settimana.
Ammetto che sono ancora nuova a queste cose, speriamo bene. 
Vi chiedo gentilmente di visitare anche i vari blog che partecipano per vedere il bellissimo lavoro fotografico , grazie!





OK , these are my entries...  now let me know, what do you think?
OK, queste sono le mie foto ... adesso fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate?


Leola - Southshoreartist said...

that is really cool how you can manipulate a photo like the new images :)

Cinzia said...

Come può cambiare una foto...molto belle le nuove immagini, hai fatto un buon lavoro!

Donna said...

Very cool! The techniques on 2nd and 3rd ones were unexpected and creative!

Donna said...

PERFECT!! I Love these Sue! Now I need to figure out just how you Did it!!Hahahaaa.....Wonderfully Done!!!

Brenda said...

Great job! I especially love the first one.

Jeanette said...

Good choices and very creative! Loved them.

Loving Whatcha Got said...

I really like what you've done with all of them but the statue is my favorite. Great Work!

Annie said...

Aha, very interesting photos. Thanks for visiting mine also!

Ann said...

If you can do edits like this as a novice I can only imagine how spectacular they would be when you are a pro. Those are amazing.

Sue said...

Thanks for all your kind and encouraging comments.

Lynn said...

You did great and it is fun to play around with the different textures, etc. I like the sunflower best.

Doreen said...

Amazing work sis, I love what you're doing. Keep up the great work.

Loree said...

Great work. I love messing around with photos too.


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