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Friday, 4 March 2011

Weekend Shadows

It is Friday and that means the weekend is here.  This week's shadow picture is a detail taken from the picture below. It is a terra cotta dramatic theatre mask made by my daughter Sara during her school years in the - Asti School of Arts-
I have it displayed in my living room and I am very proud of her work.
Happy weekend everybody !

E' Venerdi e questo significa che siamo alla fine della settimana. La foto di questo fine settimana è un dettaglio preso dalla foto che trovate qui sotto. E' un mascherone in terra cotta fatto da mia figlia Sara durante i suoi anni scolastici nell' Istituto d'Arte di Asti. Ce l'ho in bella mostra nel soggiorno e devo dire che sono molto orgoliosa del suo lavoro.
Buon fine settimana a tutti ! 


Leola - Southshoreartist said...

I love the mask!!!! It's so unique. I also love the angle you photographed the mask from. Gives it great depth! Well done to both you and your daughter :)

Loree said...

What an interesting looking mask. It reminded me of the carnival masks they have here. Quite appropriate since it's Carnival weekend.

Sue said...

@ Leola... thanks for the compliments , my daughter thanks you too.

@ Loree ... Thanks Loree, yes I posted it with Carnival in mind.


Cinzia said...

Accipicchia, che brava, complimenti a Sara!

Sue said...

Grazie da me e Sara!


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