If you're new to cross stitch and want an easy pattern then this is just right for you.
I made this Lavander Sachet using this simple pattern.
If you would like to download the chart just click here.
Se siete nuovi al punto croce e vi piacerebbe un pattern facile, allora questo fa per voi.
Ho fatto questo sacchettino per lavanda usando questo pattern semplicissimo.
Se volete scaricare lo schema basta cliccare sulla parola (here) in rosso sopra.
Ciao Sue,sono Maura,belle le tue creazioni..complimenti.passa da me,c'è una sorpresa anche per te!
Ciao,a presto.
I like simple and quick projects! I like to send gifts in the mail to friends and family to let them know that I am thinking of them. Secret Sister gifts, hostess gifts, etc. Thank you for sharing this. Good project for when I am just relaxing in the evening in front of that tube! Thanks, sweetie! And hope you have a GREAT day!! Your voy crafting friend, Marcia
Hi Sis,
I am so impressed by everything you are making, I just love visiting your blog, keep up your great work Sue...this sachet is really very beautiful, well done!
Love & Hugs,
Your sister, Doreen
Just found you from voy.com(smile) so happy about your blog love it!
Going to try to cross stitch this tonight .Thank you so much for the chart.Hugs ginger(lovestodream)
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