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Thursday, 26 May 2011

Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leave you speechless, remain that way. 
Say nothing, and listen as heaven whispers, 
"Do you like it? I did it just for you". 

>Max Lucado<


La prossima volta che un'alba ti ruba il respiro o un prato di fiori ti lascia senza parole, rimani così.
Non dire nulla, e ascolta mentre il cielo sussurra,
"Ti piace? L'ho fatto per te".

> Max Lucado <


Loree said...

What a beautiful quote - and it is so true too.

Doreen said...

Oh how I love those moments in time...sometimes they just surprise you and sometimes I try and look for them : ) Yes they certainly leave me speechless!
Lovely quote and picture Sue, thanks for a special moment!


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