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Friday 22 July 2011

Weekend Shadows

I was out in my terrace hanging out my laundry when I spotted mister lizard so I ran for my camera  hoping he would not run away in the meantime and to  my delight ... there he was still waiting for me.
I got his shadow too!

Happy Weekend!

Ero in terrazza intenta a stendere il bucato quando con la coda dell'occhio vedo la signora  lucertola così sono corsa a prendere la macchina  fotografica sperando che l'avrei trovata ancora lì al mio ritorno  e così e stato ... 
era ancora là ad aspettarmi.
Ho catturato anche la sua ombra!

Buon fine settimana!


Leola - Southshoreartist said...

That is so cool Sue......I did one last night but haven't posted yet to my have me addicted to these things now! I still think that you should host a "Weekend Shadows" blog party. It would generate a lot of traffic to your blog :)

Sue said...

Thanks Leola, well to be honest I have been thinking about that, I will surely let you know when I decide.
Thanks for your comments, I greatly appreciate your visits.


Doreen said...

What a great photo Sue, well done!
And what a lovely idea Lee has, will look out for it if you decide to do this sis : )

Happy weekend Hugs,

Marina said...

Sei stata velocissima a prendere la macchina fotografica.E un bel scatto.

Loree said...

Great capture and he is so cute too.

TanjaV said...

I also love that picture :)

Sue said...

Thank you FRIENDS for your comments, it isn't always so easy to get a good shadow picture sometimes and your regular visits to my weekend shadow posts are very appreciated.

Grazie amiche per i vostri commenti, non è sempre facile trovare una buona ombra da scattare tutte le settimane e le vostre visite al mio "weekend shadow" post sono molto apprezzate.



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